The secure online complaint form is just one way to submit information about your complaint. You may also send us an email, mail or hand deliver us a letter or send us a fax. We encourage you to visit our Before Filing a Complaint page for information about our jurisdiction and who the Ombudsman can investigate.
The “Submit Form” button will send your form in a secure and confidential web connection. We will be in touch with you regarding your complaint. You will have the option of printing your complaint form once submitted.
You must complete all the required information before you click the “Submit Form” button. If you don’t, the information will be lost. Please note if you have scanned copies and/or electronic files of your relevant complaint documents, you are able to attach them to the Complaint Details section 4(b) and 5(b) of the online form. In sharing your information with us, we encourage you to attach content in file form instead of copying large bodies of text into the complaint form fields. Allowable files are .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, and .txt. To attach a file (maximum 5MB), select browse and then locate the desired file on your computer and double click to attach.
Under the Ombudsman Act, the Ombudsman may refuse to investigate a complaint if it relates to a decision, recommendation, act or omission you have known about for more than 12 months before submitting a complaint to our office. If you submit a complaint after more than 12 months has passed, please provide an explanation why it has taken you longer than 12 months to submit your complaint. The Ombudsman will consider your explanation and then decide whether to investigate your complaint.
Individuals making a complaint should be aware that submitting a complaint may result in Ombudsman office staff contacting the authority complained about in order to get further information or determine if the complaint can be resolved prior to investigation. The information provided to the authority cannot be used in any way that would detrimentally affect you. Should you not want the authority contacted you will need to specifically state so when submitting your complaint. Be aware in order for the Ombudsman to open an investigation of a complaint the authority will need to be contacted and details of the complaint provided.