Role of the Alberta Ombudsman

Every Albertan has the right to be treated fairly in the provision of public services. The Ombudsman protects this right by promoting standards of fairness and has the authority to make recommendations if an investigation reveals unfairness.

The Ombudsman is an Officer of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, reporting directly to the Assembly. The Ombudsman is impartial, operating independently from the Alberta government, political parties and individual elected officials.

Under Alberta’s Ombudsman Act, the Ombudsman can investigate any administrative decision, recommendation, act or omission of:

  • Alberta provincial government, departments, agencies, boards and commissions
  • Alberta municipalities
  • Patient Concerns Resolution Process of Alberta Health Services
  • Self-regulated health professions proclaimed under the Health Professions Act such as Alberta College of Optometrists
  • Other designated professional authorities such as accounting, forestry, veterinarian and agrologist professions

The Ombudsman cannot investigate:

  • Decisions made by Federal government
  • Members of the Legislative Assembly
  • Federal or municipal police forces
  • Decisions made by universities or schools
  • Decisions made by the courts
  • Private businesses or private matters


Equitable treatment for all.


The Alberta Ombudsman’s mission is to promote fairness and accountability in the public sector by conducting impartial investigations, addressing systemic issues, making effective recommendations, and providing education to Albertans.


  • Integrity
  • Independence
  • Impartiality
  • Innovation

We also value a working environment that embraces diversity, fosters personal and professional growth, collaboration and innovation.

About Our Office

Our offices in Edmonton and Calgary consist of administrative staff, corporate services members, investigators and legal counsel.

Member of a global community unified in the pursuit of fairness…

As a member of the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI), our office joins over 200 independent Ombudsman institutions from more than 100 countries worldwide.  The IOI connects public service Ombuds globally and along with its members, promotes the protection of people against the abuse of powers, unfair decisions, and maladministration.  While specific mandates may differ, all value independence, the rule of law, inclusion, and open government.  As a member, we take seriously the Ombudsman’s increasingly valuable role in improving open and transparent public administration.